Community Projects/residencies

Venues such as Hobsons Bay ArtSpeak, The Cherry Lake Cultural Series and Vault: Open Jam Sessions have been created to facilitate community involvement in the arts.  Contact us if you wish to perform through the submission box, or call directly.

Cherry Lake Cultural Series

Founded by Martin Case, in partnership with the Lion’s Club of Altona, The Cherry Lake Cultural Series (CLCS) has been created to showcase local arts, bringing awareness of the rich cultural diversity in our community.

Hobsons Bay Artspeak

Hobsons Bay ArtSpeak (HBAS) is a series of interviews with artistic directors, composers, and performing musicians who reside in Hobsons Bay.

Interviews, complemented with enhanced multi-media materials (music and video examples), are conducted live through a Zoom portal and webpage that acts an access point to HBAS ArtSpeak interviews.

Interviews with composer Richard Vella, singer-songwriter Sherry Rich, community organizer Michael Stewart, multi-media producer Martin Case, and conductor Doug Heywood, once a fortnight, beginning Thursday, the 18th of June, 2020, from 6:30pm-7:15pm.

The link for the Hobsons Bay ArtSpeak link is here.


Vault Open Jam Residency

Founded by Martin Case, in partnership with Angela Pickering of Vault, in Yarraville, Melbourne, Australia, The Vault Residency was created to showcase local arts, bringing awareness of the rich cultural diversity in our community through live performance.